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What type of documents and reports are automatically generated?

At any point in time, anywhere along the process of category strategy creation, a strategy document is available and can be exported to PDF. With just a few clicks, selecting from a menu of options, the entire strategy document can be reduced to an “Executive Summary,” tailored to the specific interest of the next recipient. Repeatedly. Creating a new version of a strategy document takes seconds.
 All data from Cirtuo can be exported to XLS, CSV, and PDF.
Also, we developed a predefined template for exporting content from category/supplier management which allows for creating a customized category/supplier dossier. The dossier works so that each user can select the specific data they want to export, and the data is presented in a suitable PDF format.

Suppose you need to insert the content from Cirtuo into your PowerPoint presentation. In that case, it is possible to easily copy all data elements directly from the software and paste them into the PowerPoint. Our easy and elegant copy/paste feature allows copying all images, tables, and text areas from Cirtuo to other presentation tools, in just two clicks.

Additionally, the software includes a unique real-time Presentation module. The module is designed to enable the easy creation and update of reports. Users can build templates for standard essays or create individually customized reports. The reports always pull real-time, actualized data from the software database.

Cirtuo Presentation module allows easy refresh of the reports so that you can quickly create a new, actualized category report with the latest data. The reports can be presented directly from Cirtuo or easily exported in PDF format. This feature eliminates the need for manually assembled PowerPoint slides or MS Excel reports and improves the efficiency of reporting to management.

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