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Oct 17, 2024

DPW 2024 doesn’t need black ties to make Procurement cool


Procurement events have been a drab experience for years. Remote conference rooms in dated business hotels, the same old stories about savings and cost optimization, stiff audiences, slick solution providers, and, at best, average catering. The other end of the spectrum has been dominated by black-tie events and award ceremonies with little content but great networking opportunities, the celebration of procurement teams, individuals or solution providers, and, mostly, great food. DPW has been different from the start with its focus on digital transformation and 2024 has been the most outstanding celebration of Procurement yet.

Creating a vibe around Procurement

It starts with the location. Located in downtown Amsterdam in the historic Beurs van Berlage, a former stock exchange building from 1903. The venue feels more like a movie set than a stiff hotel conference room. From registration down to the center stage and the exhibition rooms, music is playing, the mood is full of excitement and energy. It truly feels like an "event" rather than a conference.

Critics say Procurement is a serious business and should focus on the issues organizations are struggling with rather than celebrating itself. However, the outstanding accomplishment of DPW is that this event character doesn’t result in shallow conversations but rather ignites energy and euphoria around the solutions for said issues - on stage, in the hallway, and at the exhibition booths. The most relevant content goes unnoticed if not presented properly. DPW sets the bar for procurement events with its depth and breadth of insights, the quality and size of the audience, and the format and content of the presentations.

Leveraging technology for a 10x boost of efficiency and impact

Because the event strikes a good balance between content, networking, and time for visiting exhibitors, the days go by fast but still allow for proper conversations and discussions. While there is a lot of color everywhere, our vibrant red booth in a central location stands out and pulls in the crowd, so we had ample opportunity to gauge the mood and the challenges procurement is facing in 2024.

The official program focused on driving 10x for Procurement through the use of smart technology and procuretech innovation. The opening speech of Shashi Mandapati, CPO of Johnson & Johnson, painted a picture of the role procurement professionals play today and how to accelerate to 10x (the conference theme). In times of increased business demands, nothing is more vital than greater business alignment based on category strategies and supplier relationships. His mention of category management (and Cirtuo) becoming more of a central focus and the enabler for this development didn’t go unnoticed.

Sessions covered various topics on how to scale for 10x efficiency and impact, how to leverage data analytics (Johnson & Johnson) and AI for guided decision-making (Walmart, Coca-Cola, Danone), practical GenAI use cases (Allianz), or how to build and rethink procurement organizations with a tech mindset. The topics and the shared learnings align very well with Cirtuo’s philosophy around user guidance based on strong foundational frameworks, leveraging data and GenAI for insight generation and efficiency improvements, and, maybe most importantly, seeing ideas through to implementation and value delivery. That many sessions featured existing Cirtuo clients might have been a coincidence - but maybe not.

Cost savings are haunting procurement even at DPW

Off the main stage and at the booth, the focus of discussions was slightly different. The re-emergence of cost pressure and the call for savings demonstrated the other reality of procurement in 2024. Combined with the sobering effect of the post-GenAI euphoria and a more realistic view of possible applications, many practitioners told us that savings delivery is still the license to operate and only investments with a clear Return on Investment have a chance to move forward in this challenging economic environment.

Despite the mood in the room, the past year has been dominated by cost-cutting measures and the slower adoption of digital tools due to more cautious budgeting. The abundance of buzzwords, the explosion of available solutions, and the lack of differentiation and clear positioning make it harder for Procurement to cut through the noise and identify what can work for their unique challenges and make an impact on their business.

Category strategies were the talk of the room

The importance of category strategies was highlighted in multiple sessions, most notably by Johnson & Johnson and Walmart. Creating category strategies is not a means to an end. Executing identified opportunities and capturing the identified value is paramount for realizing value from category management, which is the true differentiator of high-performing procurement teams.

The red Cirtuo booth was a magnet for professionals, partners, and clients, who were eager to discuss the new Guided Supplier Strategy features that link guided category strategies and supplier strategies. The improved Initiative Management & Value Tracking capabilities were also well received as they provide Procurement with professional project management tools and help demonstrate the value delivered from strategies.

It’s the unique strength of Cirtuo to guide procurement professionals to holistic decisions and help them navigate complex business environments - from opportunity identification to value capture. Depending on business objectives, we help category managers identify savings opportunities, risk mitigation strategies, or supplier innovation opportunities.

DPW has become more than a technology event

Over the years, DPW has evolved from being a procurement tech event into a conference tackling all aspects of developing and transforming Procurement. There is still a strong focus on procuretech and start-up innovation with numerous exhibition booths, pitch sessions, and panel discussions highlighting early successes, innovative approaches, and fresh minds for old challenges. D is for Digital after all. But the focus has slightly shifted and real-life success stories have taken more room.

Real challenges, implemented solutions, achieved success. This shift is important and exciting as technology will continue to be an enabler for people. Challenging the status quo, fresh perspectives, and bold new approaches are needed to innovate and truly transform procurement into a value generator beyond savings. The disruption has been elevated from just being an idea to being a reality that positively impacts people, organizations, and communities.

The event not to miss if you are serious about procurement transformation and category management

If you only get to go to one conference and are serious about the transformation of Procurement, DPW should be the one. It's the one event in Europe that truly brings together challenges and solutions, starters and leaders, practitioners and friends. It’s a place to connect, benchmark, and share experiences, learnings, and best practices. DPW is a place of community, joined learning and development, and personal and organizational transformation.

Category Management and business alignment were front and center at DPW 2024. Despite the ongoing pressure on cost and resources, it’s time to accelerate from “talking the talk” to “walking the walk”. It’s time for a 10x evolution of Procurement. And Cirtuo is excited to help make it happen with AI-guided category creation technology.

If your focus is on category management, the Cirtuo Procurement Forum brings together what is good about DPW on a smaller scale with a focus on driving value through category management. The 2025 edition will be hosted in Dubrovnik in April 2025. Get in touch with us if you would like to participate.

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