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May 3, 2024

Ensuring client success with an established approach to implementing sustainable transformation


Downloading an app to your phone is not the same as using it. Buying B2B technology and realizing value from it are also two different endeavors. After all, many of us have felt the pain of botched implementations or not fully used solutions that were meant to make life easier. What makes the difference between a successful deployment of a technology that drives value and one that remains on the shelf day after day? This article outlines how we help you create tangible business value through our holistic approach to implementing Cirtuo Guided Strategy Creation.

Implementing technology is more than buying a software license

Deploying multi-tenant SaaS software differs significantly from implementing customized on-premise software or deploying applications directly onto user devices. When setting up a Procurement SaaS solution, the process is streamlined and minimally disruptive to IT resources. Unless specific IT integrations or Single Sign-On (SSO) are needed, the only requirement is the collection of user email addresses to generate login credentials. Once this step is completed, the software is immediately ready for use. We cover more points on the technical part of the implementation in our blog "The misunderstood role of IT in buying Procurement technology".

However, implementing Procurement technology requires more than simply buying a software license and receiving your login credentials. Technology is about enabling and empowering - augmenting - people. Therefore, bringing people along the journey is what makes or breaks a Procurement technology implementation.

A proven and tested approach for implementing category strategy software

Failure and success are subjective feelings unless they are objectively measured against jointly defined and commonly accepted objectives, criteria, or KPIs. Most organizations aim for savings and efficiency improvements, which are realized through process improvements and the value generated through usage. 
Efficiently integrating procurement solutions involves balancing diverse requirements, optimizing workflows and leveraging technology to enhance efficiency and transparency. To realize the full potential of the technology, the software implementation therefore requires a clear focus on aligning the business objectives with the implementation program and the necessary change. 

Learning from 60+ client implementations over the past years, we have learned some valuable lessons. As inferred earlier, successful implementations are rarely about technology, but always about managing people and change. Disregarding this reality is what results in negative outcomes and undesirable consequences. Understanding and acknowledging the importance of Change Management through dedicated measures is the key to success.

Our holistic approach to implementations therefore includes a dedicated team, robust project management structures, a fit-for-purpose training & enablement approach, a detailed communication strategy, and a dedicated infrastructure to provide ongoing support. 

How we set you up for success

We believe that customer success and user adoption are the true measure of digital transformation. Cirtuo’s customer-facing team consists of highly experienced and devoted Procurement practitioners, which earned them the title ‘Pioneer in Customer Success’ from ProcureTech. 

Upon your decision to partner with Cirtuo, we will introduce you to your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Your CSM is an experienced Procurement practitioner who is focused on understanding your unique business requirements. The CSM will be your First Point of Contact (FPOC) during your implementation and throughout your relationship with Cirtuo. Together with your Account Executive, the CSM will ensure all information gathered throughout the sales process is known to the customer success team.

The implementation begins with a project kick-off meeting between you and your CSM to create an aligned perspective on the project team, the objectives & KPIs of the program. It will also cover topics like program management, the implementation approach or required information (e.g., category taxonomies, etc.). Lastly, you will also discuss the governance model, relevant stakeholders, roles & responsibilities, and best practices around training & communication. 

How you should set yourself up for success

To ensure an efficient onboarding and implementation process, it is important to consider and establish some program fundamentals on your side before the kick-off. While a basic understanding of the importance of category management and its process needs to be in place to appreciate the need for change, winning over users requires top-down and bottom-up initiatives.

Successful transformations require active project and change management for creating and maintaining momentum. A dedicated process owner responsible for managing the implementation, bringing the governance process to life, and tracking and communicating the program progress & goals is key. 

Securing executive sponsorship and support is vital to program success as sustainable transformations require top-level commitment, engagement, and leadership. Strong support from leadership, along with ongoing recognition of the program's strategic significance in achieving objectives and fostering business growth during and after implementation, is invaluable. This can be further supported by establishing a formalized stage gate process with presentations of strategies to the leadership team, as it demonstrates commitment and ensures strategic business alignment.

Identifying interested and committed category managers will be the second cornerstone of a sustainable transformation because most change must occur at the operational level. You need open-minded champions for AI-assisted Guided Strategy Creation who are willing to set aside the required time to learn and change to a new digital process.

Finally, successful transformations have a clear communication & activation strategy to communicate the importance of the initiative and to mobilize the organization. Clearly communicated program goals, implementation steps & timelines, and regular progress updates drive transparency and category manager engagement. With clearly communicated program goals that are aligned with individual performance targets, you foster the ownership and commitment required to drive adoption and stakeholder collaboration. 

The Cirtuo effect that drives sustainable transformation

The combination of the above elements sets the stage for a successful transformation. Just knowing about them or having good training materials still leaves a lot of room for value leakage. That’s why our CSMs are seasoned procurement professionals that understand the importance of in-process and in-context client coaching & support. 

With our proprietary interview guidance, in-process video tutorials, and hands-on training, we reduce the need for theoretical training for developing best practice category strategies. Cirtuo is focused on creating tangible business value from the beginning, which is why the training journey includes building a tangible and thorough category strategy. We don’t only show users how to use the tool but teach them the ‘why’ behind the features and challenge them on their inputs and outputs. 

This consultative training approach increases the capabilities and maturity of the team while creating value from strategies during the initial training phase. And it doesn’t stop with category managers. The enablement extends to senior leaders and business stakeholders across the chain of command to ensure everybody understands how to interpret and challenge strategies, articulate compelling narratives, and ensure strategic alignment with overarching business objectives. 

Working with Cirtuo is more than buying a software. Engaging with us is more than putting technology in place. Working with Cirtuo is a decision for a sustainable transformation of Procurement through actionable category strategies that are aligned with overarching business objectives. Let’s get to it.

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